
How to play city of heroes in 2019
How to play city of heroes in 2019

how to play city of heroes in 2019 how to play city of heroes in 2019 how to play city of heroes in 2019

This past Saturday, the original CoH Discord formally launched its own server, Rebirth. Here’s what else is going on around the CoH community: If you’re a graphs junkie, take a peek at the “live-graphs” channel on the Homecoming Discord it’s pumping out shard uptime and concurrency in a pretty format – here’s that peak and then the dip when everybody (well, not everybody, clearly) goes to sleep. As always, we’ll still continue to keep an eye on everything. “We reached our highest ever concurrent player count of 7950 tonight,” the Homecoming team wrote Saturday, “and found a way to increase CPU power by a considerable amount, which combined with the new server we setup earlier today should provide a smoother playing experience going forward. In fact, just the opposite, such that the team had to bring a new server online (not a new playable shard, mind you) to handle its now 67000-person playerbase. I had wondered whether the slow-drip release of World of Warcraft Classic this week would dampen enthusiasm for other games’ rogue servers and progression servers, but it doesn’t seem to have affected City of Heroes’ Homecoming servers at all.

How to play city of heroes in 2019